This beloved 1940s classic concerns the fussy and cantankerous novelist Charles Condomine, (Trevor Vasey) remarried but haunted (literally) by the ghost of his late first wife, the clever and insistent Elvira (Tracey Christiansen), called up during a séance by eccentric medium, Madame Arcati (Val Lefrère). Elvira makes continual attempts to disrupt Charles’ marriage to his second wife, Ruth (Angela Theobold), who can neither see nor hear the ghost, the consequences of which are both comic and disastrous until Elvira is not the only blithe spirit to haunt Charles. The cast is enhanced by Dr and Mrs Bradman (Barry Daley and Lisa Vasey) and the eccentric maid Edith (Maria Jähn).

Despite cold rehearsal spaces where even the hardiest thespian has donned extra layers and gloves to keep the blood from freezing, cast and crew have spent over six weeks creating a show without any remuneration, except for the applause they hope to hear as the curtain closes. Clearly, they do this for the love of live theatre!

This smash hit comedy is directed by Frank Remiatte, a seasoned actor and director who has appeared several times on stage with this group. Frank is keen to retain the period character of the play in both set and costume design, thus providing the perfect backdrop for the witty repartee characteristic of Coward.

Blithe Spirit is playing at the Carlos do Carmo Auditorium, Lagoa on March 13, 14 and 15 at 7:30 pm. Tickets at €12 from BOL.PT or in person at Auditório Carlos do Carmo, Convento de S. José and Balcão Único in Lagoa. Also available at Worten and FNAC.

Words by Tracey Christiansen

Image: L to R: Frank Remiatte, Lisa Vasey with Barry Daley, behind Val Lefrère with Tracey Christiansen, Maria Jähn, and Trevor Vasey with Angela Theobold