The 22 countries that make up the ESA ministerial council
are meeting in Paris, having committed to strengthening their funding, as the
minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education told Lusa.
Elvira Fortunato said that her expectations for the meeting
are “extremely positive”, especially after hearing the initial interventions of
her counterparts.
“Everyone agreed to increase the budget for ESA to have
autonomy, in European terms, regarding the entire area of space and, with
that, we can also leverage the economy and solve part of the problems we have”,
said the minister.
“Right now, an investment of 115 million euros is planned
for the next five years in ESA programs, but what I can tell you is that,
similar to what happened with the other States, there will be increases”, said
Elvira Fortunato.
An official source from Portugal Space, the Portuguese space
agency, under the supervision of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher
Education, later explained to Lusa that the amount subscribed so far by
Portugal is 102.7 million, and could reach 115 million during the ongoing ESA
The same source clarified that ESA subscriptions are carried
out for a period of three to five years, so the subscription that is approved
in Paris will only be reviewed within three years, at the ministerial council
in 2025.
The minister said that “Europe has to be more ambitious” and
added: “We cannot be continually depending on data or solutions that are
imposed on us and sold by other states”, namely the United States and China.
On the part of Portugal, Elvira Fortunato explained that
since 2016, when she reinforced her position at ESA, of which she has been a member
since 2000, the country “has been increasing its financial contribution” and
highlighted the strategic position, especially of the Azores, and the
participation of researchers and Portuguese industry in scientific and
technological development programmes.
Imagine how many affordable homes could be built for that amount of money!!
Gov throw money into outer space and ignore poor people living on earth.
By JG from Algarve on 03 Mar 2023, 06:36