"The Tributary and Customs Authority (AT) is aware that some taxpayers are receiving e-mails supposedly coming from the AT referring to the Income Statement - Model 3, in which a link is requested".
The Treasury's recommendation is to ignore this as: "These messages are false and should be ignored".
"Its purpose is to convince the recipient to access malicious pages by clicking on the suggested links", adds the same note, but "under no circumstances should you carry out this operation".
Temos conhecimento de que alguns contribuintes estão a receber e-mails supostamente provenientes da AT referentes à Declaração de Rendimentos – Modelo 3, nas quais é pedido que se carregue num link.
— AT - Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira (@AUT_TRIB_ADUA) March 2, 2023
Estas mensagens são falsas e devem ser ignoradas. pic.twitter.com/vV3JoITY6e