“A working group is created (...) with the mission of studying, evaluating and proposing measures to improve communications within the scope of processes for issuing and renewing citizen cards and changing addresses on the citizen card, through the interoperability platform Public Administration, as well as other civil identification communications in the context of voter registration”, reads the diploma.

Designated by a working group to monitor Citizen Card operations and civil identification within the scope of voter registration, this arises after identifying “a set of possible situations of failure or incorrectness in the procedures”. In this sense, the diploma emphasises the need to hold technical and follow-up meetings in order to find solutions for the identified situations, as well as others that may be.

The creation of the working group was established by decision of the Secretary of State for Digitization and Administrative Modernization, the Secretary of State for Portuguese Communities, the Secretary of State for Internal Administration and the Secretary of State for Justice, and the mandate ends in December 31, 2023.