Jupiter is in a very favourable position in June, helping us to see a bigger future vision for humanity linked to higher consciousness and with a deeper connection to the Earth and nature. Jupiter will stay in Taurus until May 2024. Particularly if you have your Sun, Moon or Ascendant in Taurus, Jupiter is likely to bring in personal growth opportunities, chances to travel, extend your business or expand your social lives. It can bring in more abundance for you, more success and recognition.
We have a Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 4th, and often this can bring issues to completion, culmination or closure at this time. We are also beginning some long-running transits until spring of 2026 where we will gradually be feeling much more psychically sensitive than we ever have done. We are likely to gradually feel less dense, more full of light, and start to experience more downloads or even connecting with other galactic beings in a bigger way than ever before. We are dissolving our old 3D selves and ‘morphing’ with something greater and more high frequency. At times this may feel confusing or destabilising, but just know that this process is positive.
Legal developments
Sagittarius is a sign that is connected to the truth, integrity and honesty, and the law. This seems of be a big theme with this Full Moon as it is reinforced by other aspects. It is also associated with justice, belief systems, what we have believed in and trusted that may well appear to be wanting now, with various truths coming to light. Sagittarius is not only linked to manmade law and justice but also natural law. So we may well see some important legal developments around this time.
Important facts and news will be coming at us very quickly in June, especially from the 11th onwards, as Mercury planet of communication moves into its own sign of Gemini. Both the planet Mercury and Gemini are linked with speed, and Gemini with facts, information and news, so we will have some rapid non-stop information coming at us this month. Try to drop into your heart and your intuition to discern what is truth, rather than just using your mind - as you could feel overwhelmed with so much information.
Issues around power and control systems in societies may come up in the news too through June, with us evaluating how well these have worked in recent times. Remember that everything in your reality cascades from your frequency, and only you determine that. We each individually choose our thoughts and our emotional reactions to events and those in combination produce our set point of frequency. It is that, that we broadcast 24/7, that determines the reality that we experience, as that creates the geometry around us in the plasma. Is it coherent or not? And therefore is it symmetrical and beautiful or not, as that is the energetic architecture for your tomorrows.
Also know that we are constantly creating from the invisible, 24/7, although we are generally not aware of it. The more of us who comes together on the same frequency of, for instance, ‘I am welcoming in an expanding consciousness of love’ builds an energetic hologram, a wave, indeed a tsunami, of the force of love which is unstoppable in its creation of a better world. We alter the quantum field by feeling the most powerful force in the universe which we can all do for free, from home, simply by connecting on that frequency.
We are at the beginning of moving into a new age of New Earth when we will have a much stronger connection to the Earth and nature than we have done in this lifetime, and that will be wonderfully rewarding.
The New Moon we have in Gemini on the 18th is a reminder that everything in our lives begins with a thought. Just like an architect envisages a house, he has a thought, develops that into a drawing on a 2D piece of paper and eventually that thought becomes a 3D house. This is the same process by which we manifest, and this New Moon is a reminder that every manifestation in our lives begins that way. If we can become more disciplined and conscious of our thoughts, we can start to create a more wonderful life, if we try to live in love, joy, peace and compassion.
Blessings to you all.
About Pam Gregory
Pam Gregory has been involved with astrology for over 45 years, and runs a very busy astrology practice. She has a popular YouTube channel with updates and interviews, is the author of two best-selling books, You Don’t Really Believe in Astrology, Do You? and How to Co-Create using the Secret Language of the Universe. Pam offers several teaching videos available from her website www.pamgregory.com and also writes a long monthly newsletter.
She is no longer doing client work as she is focused on helping the collective through this huge spiritual transformation. As well as YouTube you’ll find her on Unifyd, MeWe, and Facebook with regular astrology updates.'
Pam Gregory has been involved with astrology for over 45 years, and runs a very busy astrology practice. She has a popular YouTube channel with updates and interviews, is the author of two best-selling books, You Don’t Really Believe in Astrology, Do You? and How to Co-Create using the Secret Language of the Universe. Pam offers several teaching videos available from her website: www.pamgregory.com and also writes a long monthly newsletter.
She is no longer doing client work as she is focused on helping the collective through this huge spiritual transformation. As well as YouTube you’ll find her on Unifyd, MeWe and Facebook with regular astrology updates.’