“Catering and beverage establishments may define, as internal operating rules, the charging of a fee for the use of crockery, ice or other items. However, [...] these internal operating rules must be duly publicised, as well as posted in a prominent place, next to the entrance of the establishments, in order to conveniently inform customers", according to the secretary general of the Hotel Association, restoration and similar services in Portugal (AHRESP), Ana Jacinto, in a written response to Lusa.
According to Lusa, there have been numerous reports of restaurants that are charging for the use of tableware when, for example, at a birthday dinner, customers take the cake and use dishes from the establishment, as well as ice or glasses of water.
"It is permitted to charge a fee for the provision of ice or glasses of water, as long as this information is duly identified and defined in the establishment's price list, and this must be made available near the entrance and inside the establishments", according to AHRESP.
The association also recalled that, since July 2021, hotel, restaurant, cafeteria and catering establishments are obliged to keep a container with tap water and sanitised glasses available to customers for consumption on-site, free of charge or at a lower cost than the packaged water made available by establishments.
"If the establishment wishes to charge for glasses of water, it must do so at a lower cost than that charged for packaged water that is also available for consumption in the establishment", said Ana Jacinto, adding that these values must be duly identified on the invoice, in the terms of the VAT Code.
Can someone point me to the law about establishments being required to provide tap water? I have no problem being charged a nominal amount for this but am tired of being told they will not serve it. I refuse to purchase bottled water and add to the plastic waste problem in a country where tap water is safe to drink. I would like to be able to quote or point the the law that requires this if in fact that is truly the case.
By David from Other on 02 Sep 2023, 09:00
What news! Time for Portugal News to run a campaign to remove these practices, highlighting establishments in our areas who practice such "policies".
As an hospitality professional of more than thirty years experience, it reminds me of the time when hotels would charge for heating, air conditioning and orchestra, when you were an innocent diner in the restaurant.
(Birthday cake example an acceptable exception, where no other food is being consumed.)
By Hugh IN The Alentejo from Alentejo on 04 Sep 2023, 10:16
David - Seriously? Is this a common problem in Portugal? It beggars belief that they can't provide tap water. Things like this and the general lack of customer service really let Portugal down.
By Kam from UK on 04 Sep 2023, 10:35
I travelled through Spain and Portugal (Lisbon and Porto) last year for the first time and was absolutely amazed at the warmth and hospitality of the portuguese people.
Keeping with that theme, I can only suggest that in order to differentiate Portugal from all other European countries where they gouge customers for every little thing, the govt should be bold enough to categorically cut this kind of trickery and simplify life for all patrons - citizens and non-citizens. It certainly doesn’t happen in Canada or U.S.
By Alnoor Saleh from Other on 04 Sep 2023, 18:51
Totally agree about a surcharge for birthday cakes. It costs the restaurant time and energy, and extra washing up to host this. As for tap water, I think that as long as you order a decent amount of food/wine etc, no restaurant will charge, but for the people ordering 4 glasses of tap water with their shared half chicken, and then consuming a home made birthday cake for dessert, there needs to be some protection for the restaurants.
By Eddie from Algarve on 05 Sep 2023, 12:41