Ana Abrunhosa was speaking at the presentation of the new geospatial platform that allows you to immediately know the coverage of fixed, mobile or satellite networks of all operators in the country.

"In terms of coverage goals, we will continue, we have a set of goals in 5G and what we are doing in the competition [public to cover white areas, that is, without Internet] is to do everything so that in 2025 we can have desired coverage in both 5G and fibre optics", said the government official.

The idea is to go "in step with 5G" so that "there is no lag" as there has been until now, she added.

“We will have 5G with fibre optics”, assured the Minister of Territorial Cohesion.

However, "there are areas that will not be covered with optical fibre, that is, digital connectivity cannot be resolved with optical fibre, and that is what this survey [geospatial platform] also allows us to understand", she said, highlighting that investment in fibre optics in certain areas is not possible, so it is necessary to "have another technology".

Therefore, it will be necessary to find a solution and the importance of this tool - the Geo.Anacom geospatial platform - allows for mapping the investment and type of technology to be requested from operators for different parts of the country.