In addition to hiring new employees, Airbus Atlantic has implemented a program to attract and retain talent that focuses on team autonomy, ongoing training, and mentoring.
“We want to become the reference in the national aerospace sector and reinforce the Airbus Atlantic brand in Portugal and we know that retaining talent is crucial to achieving this objective. Since we started operations in Santo Tirso, we have consistently increased the number of employees, responding to the great challenges posed by a sustainable and high-performance aerospace industry”, says Pedro Estrela, Human Resources Director at Airbus Atlantic Portugal.
Airbus Atlantic Portugal currently produces a wide range of subassemblies for the various Airbus programs, with a focus on the A320 program.
The installation in Portugal aims to develop competence in the manufacture of aerostructures in the north of the country, complementing the brand's global industrial presence which is located in three continents and five countries.
Construction of the factory in Portugal began in 2020 and production also started that year, the factory covers 20,000 square meters (m2) of covered area located on a 7.2 hectare plot of land.