The store, which opens on May 2nd, is the brand's second opening in less than two months, in Portugal.
Located at nº 275, Rua Sá da Bandeira, the new Starbucks covers 250 m2, with capacity to seat 76 customers. With this new opening, which is the 28th store in Portugal, the company consolidates its commitment to continue opening new establishments in the national market.
“We are very excited about this new opening, located in a central location in the city of Porto, where coffee lovers will be able to enjoy a unique experience”, said António Romero, General Director of Starbucks Portugal and Spain.
We don't need more Starbucks polluting Portugal with all that obesity fuelling muck they serve. Portugal already has great coffee. Most likely expanding to cream even more profits from the mass tourism they are keen to serve.
By edison from Other on 01 May 2024, 10:03
Undrinkable over priced sugar and fat filled poison.
Is that really what Portugal, already obese and amongst the highest diabetes sufferers in the world needs?
Wake up!
By James from Algarve on 01 May 2024, 11:39
Not good, poor coffee, much sugar , profit and do they pay tax in Portugal?? Only for the tourists who really don't want to experience local culture just sun and cheap holidays . No stop this
By Moira Marriott from Lisbon on 01 May 2024, 12:51
Definitely not a good news,these companies are like a cancer,slowly spreading all around .They are open in Portugal but for sure is not for the Portuguese people ,we know what a good coffe is.
By Rui Silva from Porto on 01 May 2024, 13:56
Portugal has great coffee?
That bitter Delta you need a glass of water with is great coffee?
It may be better than Starbucks but it is still one step above motor oil.
Porto and Lisbon are developing great coffee scenes with local roasters.
This has started in Lagos also.
In Albufeira we have Al-Gharb coffee roasters, who roasts the beans in the store.
Real coffee drinkers do not drink Starbucks.
By jk from USA on 01 May 2024, 15:18
Starbucks do not invest - they cannibalise through franchises, drive other local, community coffee shops and padarias, removing any sense of "local" from the area.
Once established they will screw their local suppliers and when they have wiped out the local competition sufficiently their prices will skyrocket.
A blight on the Portuguese landscape, I have personally not stepped into one anywhere for 5 years, no matter where I go locally or internationally.
Whoever wrote this article did a cut-and-paste from the Starbucks press-release, without any background check or verification - that's not journalism.
By Tony Williams from Other on 02 May 2024, 16:39
Starbucks is petty when compared to the amazing local coffee shops and traditional bakeries (padarias tradicionais) which provide real and delicious Portuguese coffee and pastries. Why would you choose to have a franchise low-quality product, when you can just enter any corner cafe in Porto and have something incomparably better? Including the typical, heartwarming reception you will get from the owners once you become a regular customer. Down with Starbucks, Up with traditional shops!!
By Joana Carvalho from Porto on 03 May 2024, 08:18
Not interested in Starbucks or their in-house coffee roaster competition. Give me the local Delta shops with their down to earth regulars, Portuguese culture, and endless variety of sweets to enjoy with a bica as you watch life go by....
By William from Other on 03 May 2024, 12:24
We don't need Starbucks in Portugal. We have great coffee here and why would we swap that for a terrible coffee? In addition they enable the genocide in Gaza so boycott Starbucks, support your local coffee brewer!
By Martin from Algarve on 03 May 2024, 15:13