Project 1882's "For the Animals" aims to build a bridge between the public, decision-makers, and the animal welfare situation by conducting advocacy work in Europe's major cities. As explained by Project 1882, “Since 1882, Project 1882 has been working to make a difference for the animals that are the most exploited and suffer the worst. With ‘For the Animals’, we are taking the next step forward to elevate animal rights issues higher on the EU Commission’s agenda”. Project 1882, which aims to tour 20 different cities in Europe throughout summer and autumn, will be in Lisbon on 2 and 3 September, and in Porto on 7 and 8 September.

Mobile Exhibition

In major European cities, the mobile event serves as a platform for public and elected leaders to get together, exchange information, and talk about the most recent approaches to resolving pressing issues. Project 1882 is committed to bringing attention to the actual conditions that animals endure, especially in light of the ongoing EU discussions over animal welfare and the impending choices that will directly impact how they are treated. With "For the Animals," they are taking citizens on a road trip across Europe to show them directly how animals are treated in factory farms and “why the promised revised animal welfare legislation in the EU needs to be put in place as soon as possible”.

Interactive Experience

In addition to educational materials outlining the living circumstances of animals in industrial farms, the mobile exhibition will provide interactive experiences. Moreover, visitors will get knowledge about the problems that animals face as well as the chances for improvement. Project 1882 intends to engage and educate the public as well as persuade decision-makers to prioritise animal rights and strengthen legislation by bringing the mobile exhibition directly to EU residents.

As stated in the Project 1882 webpage “Billions of animals suffer yearly in horrific animal factories across Europe, where they are subjected to systematic animal cruelty. Many of Europe's animals completely lack a law that protects them”.The European Commission has been aware of the inadequate animal welfare in recent years, but not many suggestions for reforms or enhancements have been made for the benefit of the animals. Therefore, acting now, when time is running out for Europe's animals, is Project 1882 main ambition.