The bands decided to host a charity day in aid of Associação Alerta de Incendio Florestal (Forest Fire Alert) and Tiny Shelter Albufeira on Sunday 1st of September.
The fundraiser took place at Victoria’s in Poço Barreto in Silves and it was a massive success thanks to entertainment from two wonderful bands, affectionately known as The BuzzHopper, which is forged of The Buzz which consists of Zoe Page, Gary Collins, Rob Lane, Alan Little & Gary Bristow and Rockhopper which consists of Dave Currah, Tim Jackman, Roy West and “Stick”.
The support from the community was fantastic, whereby everyone came together and raised a total of €2,500 which was evenly split between Alerta and Tiny Shelter who were thrilled as the fundraiser beat last year’s total by €1,000.

Rockhopper bass player, Roy West, told The Portugal News “The musicians and their helpers as well as volunteers put in a great shift. A special shoutout to the Clark Family, Anna, Naomie, Paul & Jamie and all the staff at Victoria’s. It was a very long hard day for them preparing, running and clearing up after the event. They were the stars of the show really.”
“The place was packed, every seat taken and some people who just came for a drink and to contribute had to stand. We started with music from Rockhopper, then had a raffle of around half of the 40 prizes. This was followed by music from The Buzz and then the remainder of the raffle prizes and a small Auction that included cakes, tickets and a Bass Guitar. All of which sold for very good prices.”
Roy concluded, “The event closed with a short set of songs performed by a collaboration of both bands, culminating in a mass rendition of Queen’s We Are The Champions dedicated to everyone that was there on the day.”

For those who missed the gig, don’t worry there is plenty more from both bands and so you don’t miss out again please visit or search ‘Rockhopper Band’ on Facebook. Similarly to keep up with The Buzz please visit or search ‘The Buzz’ on Facebook.