In a statement sent to the Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM), the Portuguese renewable energy company said that KKR increased its offer from 8.3 euros to 8.3107 euros per share.
This is because the CMVM decided that the offer should be increased to the same value corresponding to the conversion ratio of the bonds that the fund converted into shares in June.
Greenvolta stressed that KKR decided to raise the price "with the sole purpose of obtaining registration of the offer by the CMVM", despite "disagreeing with the understanding" of the regulator.
"The unique financial strength provided by KKR" gives Greenvolt "vigorous support" for "more and better investment opportunities", argued the company's leader Manso Neto, in June.
The offer to buy Greenvolt was launched on 21 December by the infrastructure investment fund Gamma Lux, based in Luxembourg and managed by KKR, with the Competition Authority giving the 'green light' to the operation at the end of February.
Greenvolt recorded a loss of 2.7 million euros in the first quarter of 2024, promising "a significant improvement in activity and profitability throughout the year".