On a proposal from the Left Bloc, voted on by points – all approved – the assembly decided “that the Government strive to comply with the proposals approved” by the Lisbon City Council on 31 May this year, namely “not to increase the number of hourly movements at Humberto Delgado Airport; to study the gradual withdrawal of Lisbon airport, in order to safeguard public health and the safety of people living and working in Lisbon and neighbouring municipalities; and to introduce compensatory measures for the areas surrounding the airport that fully cover the costs of soundproofing homes”.

This point was made possible with the votes against from PSD, IL, PPM, CDS-PP, Chega and the non-registered deputy Margarida Penedo (who left the CDS-PP), and the abstention of the MPT.

“That the Government carries out an environmental impact assessment on any project to increase the number of movements per hour at Humberto Delgado Airport” was another of the points approved, with the votes against from PSD, IL, PPM, CDS-PP and Margarida Penedo, and the abstention of the PCP.

The BE motion also suggests that the Government revoke Executive Order No. 303-A/2004, which allows, between 00:00 and 06:00, a maximum of 91 movements per week, but never exceeding 26 movements per day, and any derogations of the same Executive Order; and to advocate for a ban on the landing and take-off of civil aircraft between 00:00 and 06:00, except for reasons of force majeure.

The municipal deputies also wanted the Government to study, through the Ministry of Health, the impacts on public health of Lisbon airport; to adopt environmental taxation measures that attribute to the aviation industry the environmental and health costs that they cause; and to create a fund financed by ANA - Aeroportos de Portugal that finances, in conjunction with the National Health Service (SNS) and the municipal councils of Lisbon, Loures and Almada, the promotion of improvements in the living conditions of communities around Humberto Delgado Airport.

The assembly also approved a motion by the PEV on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the SNS, calling on the Government to ensure the necessary investment to protect the health of the entire population.

In mid-May, the Government approved the construction of a new airport in the Lisbon region at the Alcochete Shooting Range, following the recommendation of the Independent Technical Commission (CTI).

When choosing the location of the new airport, the Government proposed expanding Humberto Delgado, increasing the current 38 movements per hour to 45 movements.

The Air Force Shooting Range, also known as the Alcochete Shooting Range (due to its proximity to this urban centre), is mainly located in the parish of Samora Correia, in the municipality of Benavente (district of Santarém), with a small part also in the parish of Canha, in the municipality of Montijo (district of Setúbal).