“The new economic governance framework of the EU [European Union] will have decisive consequences for the definition of policies at the national level. Given the need to ensure effective integration and coordination of policies at the most diverse levels, it is necessary to maximise the economic and social impact of public funds, whether European or national and, as such, the Recovery and Resilience Plan [PRR] will continue with an increased speed of execution”, assures the Executive in the document.

At stake is the first medium-term budgetary plan with objectives for expenses, investments and reforms now sent by Lisbon to Brussels, under the new EU budgetary rules, which guarantees alignment “with the macroeconomic strategy and budgetary policy outlined in the Government program, with the objective of increasing productivity and competitiveness, while simultaneously guaranteeing the sustainability of public finances”.

“The budgetary measures underlying the plan aim to increase the country’s attractiveness in areas of high added value, in order to reinforce its economic growth trajectory”, it adds.

Among the priorities highlighted in the plan are innovation, efficiency and environmental sustainability, taking into account specific recommendations from the community executive to Portugal, which includes, for example, measures such as increasing the national minimum wage to 1,020 euros in 2028, defining a national strategic plan for birth rates and longevity and guarantee universal and free access to daycare and pre-school education.