Spending time, as I so often do in the peace and tranquility of rural Portugal, I sometimes get lulled into a false sense of security. That's because being here in this fabulous country seems to provide me with a sense of calm and perspective. Out here in the Alentejo’s vast open spaces, I often step back, take a deep breath and study what people tend to call “the bigger picture.” After long periods of careful contemplation, I find myself flopping down into a comfy seat (beer in hand) and exclaim to myself, “Oh my goodness, has the world gone totally bonkers!”.

Really! What's going on in the big-bad world? Matters such as the war in Ukraine for instance. That awful conflict raging right here on European soil isn't showing any palpable signs of cooling down any time soon.

On the contrary. It seems that Zelensky routinely sticks on his signature combat trousers and olive green t-shirts, making it his mission to implore Western leaders to help him stoke what's currently a proxy war into an all-out catastrophe. Given the chance (and the right support) it looks to me like he'd happily pursue a scorched Earth policy.

Justifiably, Zelensky is absolutely hopping mad about Putin’s brazen invasion of his country. It looks like both he and the Ukrainian authorities are quite willing to risk sparking off a much wider conflict in order to properly bloody the Russian bear’s nose. But at what cost? That's the real question.

As far as I can see, the Ukrainians really don't seem to mind too much about who else might be dragged into this bitter conflict. And that’s a tremendous worry because there's a new administration heading to the Whitehouse soon. Who knows what influence they might bring to bear and how the Ukraine situation will pan out thereafter?

I’d like to ask Zelensky, what does “winning” look like in his mind’s eye? Also, does he really believe that Putin is actually bluffing when he says he will use nuclear weapons?

So far, Putin has been pretty unambiguous about what means he might employ to win this war in Ukraine. Russia has stressed that if Western allies actually rubber-stamp permissions for Ukrainian forces to fire long-range (Western) ballistic missiles deep into Russian territory, they will perceive this as direct Western hostility. Russia would therefore find itself compelled to respond accordingly. It's pretty scary stuff.

Or, is this just another of Putin's bluffs? Personally, I'd rather not test it out. After all, many extremely clever pundits (and politicians-alike) suggested that Putin was simply “bluffing” when he was amassing over 100,000 Russian troops on the Ukrainian border. Quite frankly, this huge mobilisation of military personnel and hardware didn't look much like a bluff to me.

Granted I'm no military strategist, but having said that, things worked out more in accordance with my estimations than what most pundits suggested at the time. I sincerely wish I’d got it wrong because the consequences have been utterly tragic. All I can say to all those “experts” now is - some bluff this turned out to be!

As if all the carnage in the Ukraine isn't enough, we’re also witnessing a rapidly escalating conflict in the Middle East. At time of writing, many believe that Israel is imminently poised to launch a retaliatory attack against Iran following their recent missile assault on Israel.

We may not currently find ourselves embroiled in an actual world war but I, for one, am beginning to wake up to the fact that the world is indeed “at war” in more ways than one.

Despite all this ongoing negativity, it doesn't stop with what I’ve touched upon so far in this article. For example, huge swathes of North Africa have either already become no-go zones or are rapidly enroute to becoming so. So much is in turmoil. Even Uncle Sam is now more than just a little crazy and appears to be descending into a state of chaos. Although America’s mainstream narrative relentlessly bangs the inclusivity, equality and tolerance drums; division is absolutely rife.

With all the troubles of the world creating such untold misery and instability, even more refugees will doubtlessly soon be on the move. Without my coming out all Enoch Powell on you, when it comes to immigration issues, Europe clearly ain't seen nothing yet.

All these hellish conflicts from Syria to Libya, from Beirut to Gaza are rapidly seeing whole cities being reduced to rubble. The humanitarian cost is yet to be fully realised, although it is obviously going to be absolutely massive. There's going to come a time, in the not too distant future, when all those poor displaced souls will have to weigh up their options. Given that huge chunks of their homelands are no longer fit for human habitation, where will they go? Logistics alone denote that it won't be South America or the Congo.

So, it’s certainly fair to have established that it is pretty damned gloomy out there on the global stage? Sadly, back home in dear old Blighty, things aren’t looking all that happy-clappy either. Despite the fact that little is being said about it in the mainstream media, there isn't a solitary week that goes by without the troubles of the Middle East or the Ukraine spilling out onto British streets in the guise of mass demonstrations and protests. There’s hardly a town or city that doesn't routinely play host to pro-Palestinian marches, counter demonstrations or pro/anti immigration protests. Loud slanging matches and violent scuffles are commonplace and none of it makes me feel particularly comfortable or optimistic. I dread to think how all this will eventually end?

I'm perplexed by how often I'm asked who I ”support” when it comes to international conflicts. I can't seem to win any friends even by sitting on the fence! I simply find it difficult to look positively on any “side” that’s complicit in the destruction of people's lives and property. Few ordinary people have actually ever gained anything from conflict. Some may walk away with the odd pound of flesh and maybe, if they're really lucky, they might be able to hoist a flag in the name of some bland ideology or other. But, once again, at what cost?

Frankly, all I ever see in conflict are swelling ranks of lost and brutalised souls. I see how brand new generations will feel that they have 101 excellent reasons to loathe those who've bestowed hardship and suffering upon them, their kinfolk or their forefathers. How can turning everything around themselves into enormous great big piles of smoldering rubble ever be counted as victories, I will never understand.

I count myself extremely fortunate as I sit outside on a balmy evening in the Alentejo. I almost feel a sense of guilt to be able to sit here enjoying the peace and tranquility. Of course, there is far too much suffering going on in the world. The suffering of innocents - on all sides.


Douglas Hughes is a UK-based writer producing general interest articles ranging from travel pieces to classic motoring. 

Douglas Hughes