The majority of purchases are expected to take place in the week before or on the day of the event and fashion remains the most sought after category.

"The scenario for this year's Black Friday reveals a less considered shopping panorama among Portuguese consumers. According to the study, the majority of Portuguese (74%) plan to spend, on average, €311 during Black Friday, which represents an increase of 7%, compared to the previous year's purchase intention (€290)", reveals in a press release.

The value may even be higher than estimated, as 38% of potential buyers report that they intend to spend between €301 and €1,000 or more and 25% plan to spend between €101 and €300.

Only 17% of consumers plan to spend less than €100 and, on the other hand, 24% have not yet decided how much to spend, "a significantly higher number compared to the 11% who were undecided last year".

The study also reveals a change in consumer purchasing preferences. Fashion (58%), which includes clothing, footwear and accessories, continues to be the most sought after category, registering a significant increase compared to 2023, when it represented just 42% of purchasing intentions. Then come household appliances (37%), smartphones (28%), beauty products, cosmetics and perfumery (24%) and, surprisingly, travel (23%), which appear for the first time in the top 5 of the most desired categories.

According to Jérôme Amoudruz, CEO of, "home appliances registered a considerable increase in demand compared to last year, which may explain part of the growth in the average amount spent, as products in this category tend to be more expensive" .

This year, 74% of respondents plan to take advantage of Black Friday sales, representing a slight increase from the previous year.

Currently, Black Friday is not limited to online shopping and, therefore, more than half of Portuguese consumers plan to shop in Portugal, both online and offline (52%) during the event. If 33% prefer to buy online, 14% opt for physical stores. However, according to Jérôme Amoudruz, "despite the majority of interviewees showing interest in both formats, it was possible to see an increase in online formats and, on the other hand, a decrease in in-person formats".

The majority (78%) consider Black Friday and Cyber Monday to be positive, which represents an increase of 6% compared to 2023. The main reason, mentioned by 70% of consumers, "is the perception that Black Friday allows them to save money."