According to Notícias ao Minuto, in a joint press conference with his Slovenian counterpart, Natasa Pirc Musar, as part of his official visit to Slovenia, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, when questioned by the local press about the political crisis in Portugal, highlighted "the predictability of Portuguese foreign and economic policy", "whatever path the Portuguese people choose".
Reaffirming that "it is part of democracies to have moments when the people are called to vote", as will happen again on 18 May in Portugal, following the fall of the current Government following the rejection of a motion of confidence.
Marcelo then answered the question: "Will there be any significant change in the position of Portugal's foreign policy or will there be some kind of economic and social consequence resulting from this expression of democracy?"
"I would say no," he replied, arguing that "foreign policy, like the great constitutional principles of domestic policy, are the same regardless of the President, the Prime Minister and the Government or the composition of Parliament. "
"Portugal is very stable in this regard and this creates great confidence. This will certainly explain why it was once a member of the non-permanent Security Council [of the UN] and is going to apply to be one again, and has led several international organisations", he continued, recalling that "the Secretary-General of the United Nations himself is Portuguese".
Further insisting that "the predictability of Portuguese foreign policy is a characteristic of democracy in Portugal", Marcelo maintained that there is also no reason for concern "in the economic plan".
"At this moment, Portugal is experiencing one of the highest growth rates within the EU, one of the most significant surpluses in the State accounts, unemployment has been contained, and the external public debt has been reduced", in addition to an assessment by international rating agencies "like it has not had for many years".
"This data is guaranteed, whatever path the Portuguese choose", he emphasised, adding that this is, "perhaps, the result of Portugal's long history and of a democracy that is able to face and resolve problems without questioning international or internal trust ".
The President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, announced that elections will take place on 18 May, after the Council of State. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa also mentioned that the Council of State did not “desire” new elections, but were respecting the decision of the Parliament. In his speech, the President of the Republic has also asked for a “clear political debate” during the electoral campaign.