They joined over 330 students at this event to play the roles of delegates to the United Nations and to represent 61 different countries in their teams of 6.

The students aged 13 formed the Portuguese delegation where, in the General Assembly, they reacted to a world crisis in which all communication systems to Australia were disrupted and the threat by terrorists to extend the disruption if their demands were not met.
In committee, they debated such important topics as modern slavery, child internet safety and environmental issues of the day.
Older students from Cheadle Hulme school were the organisers of the meeting and played the roles of UN General Secretary, senior UN officials and Committee Chairs.

The trip was organised and funded by the Rotary Club of Silves through their fundraising, to provide educational opportunities that can make a difference to individual pupils’ success in the future or impact the local community. Club President Jim Kennedy said that access to events that extend and develop a wide range of skills in young people provides them with the confidence to succeed in their later lives. Working together, debating, writing resolutions and amendments, learning the Portuguese Government’s position on the topics covered and making those views heard in the meetings were just some of the skills acquired along with improving their English language and growing in confidence.
For further information about the Rotary Club of Silves and this project contact us using our email: