Rui Armindo Freitas said that of the 400,000 cases pending at AIMA, 150,000 have already been attended to.
“Other processes, it is known, have entered into the termination notification process because they do not meet some of the requirements necessary to bring the process to an end” and this is the visible phase of this operation, said the Assistant Secretary of State for the Presidency.
Rui Armindo Freitas added that in addition to the visible face of the operation, there is another “back office” part of processing and deciding these same processes that is also working.
There are, in mainland Portugal, 24 Mission Structures of the Agency for Integration, Migrations and Asylum (EMAIMA).
AIMA Mission Structures operate autonomously but with the support of AIMA itself.
The Deputy Secretary of State for the Presidency explained that the creation of these Mission Structures has the objective of “managing to overcome a problem”, accumulated in recent years of “400 thousand people who did not have a response from the State”.
“What you are seeing here is the capacity that the State created to overcome a problem that was unacceptable and that was occurring in Portugal”.
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Can the Portugal News please ask the government what it plans to do about long-pending renewal of residence permits, and family reunification appointments for those whose families are not in Portugal? Please help. Thanks
By G Raja from Algarve on 19 Dec 2024, 19:38