“This strike denounces the late payment of salaries, an example of this practice being the payment in mid-January of the remuneration corresponding to the month of December”, said the Union of Workers in Concierge, Surveillance, Cleaning, Domestic and Miscellaneous Activities Services (STAD), in a statement.

The union added, “If January salaries do not start to be paid on the morning of January 31, workers will carry out two days of strike nationwide”, on Friday and Saturday.

The union stressed that delays in salary payments “deeply affect workers” and have consequences for their personal and professional lives, which is why this strike represents “a collective position against the violation of workers’ fundamental right to monthly remuneration for work performed.”

STAD predicts that the strike will have an impact on the hygiene of CP's trains, ticket offices and workshops, "putting at risk the carrier's commitment to ensuring health" for passengers and workers.