In a statement, the FPF announced the strategic partnership with Pixellot, installing the technology of this software developer, since the beginning of last year, in around 70 stadiums and pavilions of teams in five competitions (Liga 3, Liga Feminina, Liga Revelação and the national men's and women's futsal championships) and also at the Football City, in Oeiras, for the national teams.

This technology encompasses video production and produces dynamic graphics, highlights, advanced tactical analysis, performance data and a real-time platform, offering technical teams access to more than 4,000 statistical elements per game, more than double the offering commonly available.

“We are providing a high level of analysis that has only existed in professional leagues. The FPF’s commitment to innovation and the inevitable digital transformation of football will allow coaches and players in amateur competitions to substantially improve their knowledge”, explained the FPF’s National Technical Director, José Couceiro.

The federation official also praised the increase in the number of games broadcast, which, with “greater visibility”, offers “more possibilities of detecting the next generations of talent”.

“There are more than 1,000 games broadcast per year, and many help to promote women’s football and futsal, sports that had less visibility. Games broadcast and edited by artificial intelligence, free up resources for other actions. In other words, we also take a step forward in terms of environmental sustainability, if we think about the logistics that were necessary to film in so many different places,” he concluded.