This application phase, according to a statement from Turismo de Portugal, was marked by a diversity of nationalities of the candidates, with a total of 75 different origins. The most represented countries are Brazil, followed by Angola, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Bangladesh. There were also entries from countries such as Peru, Colombia and Argentina.

In terms of geographical distribution, Lisbon was the district with the highest number of candidates, 1,821, followed by Porto with 931 and Setúbal with 567. More than half of the candidates have the equivalent of secondary education, 59% are female and 41% are male, according to a report by Publituris.

In terms of companies, participation also exceeded expectations, notes Turismo de Portugal, which has already led to the decision to expand the program, in order to fill all available internship positions. The most represented areas are hotels, restaurants/bars, bakeries and pastries, restaurants, local accommodation, rural tourism and guesthouse tourism, catering and tourist entertainment.

For Pedro Machado, Secretary of State for Tourism, the Integrar Program for Tourism – one of the 60 measures that make up the Program launched by the Government ‘Accelerate the Economy’ “is one of the initiatives that, by strengthening the qualification of the workforce and, simultaneously promoting social inclusion, contributes not only to strengthening the competitiveness and resilience of companies in the sector but also makes Portugal an even more sustainable, innovative and attractive destination.”

Carlos Abade, president of Turismo de Portugal, states that “the significant adherence to the Integrar Program for Tourism by migrants and companies means that this is a program that responds to the real needs felt in the country”.

On the other hand, he believes that “it also symbolises the strength of Turismo de Portugal’s commitment to investing in the qualification of professionals and making tourism a good example of integration”.