世界顶级职业冲浪者将在著名的激浪中一较高下,男子组由巴西选手伊塔洛-费雷拉(Italo Ferreira)领衔,女子组由美国选手凯特琳-西默斯(Caitlin Simmers)领衔。
代表葡萄牙参赛的是弗雷德里克-莫赖斯(又名基卡斯)和约兰达-霍普金斯-塞奎拉(Yolanda Hopkins Sequeira)。
在整个比赛期间,超级管道海滩将一如既往地向公众开放冲浪和冲浪相关文化的临时商店和活动,当地的冲浪商店 Rip Curl、58 和冲浪实验室将与过去、现在和未来的冲浪传奇人物一起举办会议、派对和电影放映会。
有关比赛 "开始 "时间和现场直播的每日信息,请访问世界冲浪联赛网页。
With a passion for surfing and writing, Yariv Kav moved to Portugal´s wave capital from his native Israel. He was awarded a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Manchester back when Oasis was still cool, and a diploma with distinction from the London School of Journalism in Feature and Freelance Writing. Loves travel, languages and human stories.