A diplomatic row has broken out between the UK and EU over the status of the bloc's ambassador in London. The UK is refusing to give Portugal’s João Vale de Almeida the full diplomatic status that is granted to other ambassadors. The British decision is in marked contrast to 142 other countries around the world where the EU has delegations and where its ambassadors are all granted the same status as diplomats representing sovereign nations.
Mr Managing Editor,
You should have nipped this story in the bud.
Or written a full article comparing the status afforded other nation blocs, example the AU (African Union), NAFTA.
Over to you.
By Hugh IN The Alentejo from Alentejo on 21 Jan 2021, 14:22
This is pettiness of a new dimension, a kind of childish tit-for-tat as post-Brexit chaos caused by years of lies and incompetence come crashing down all around the UK and its businesses. Blaming Europe for blind stupidity and political chicanery is like a rebellious teenager who insisted on leaving home to assert his independence, then turning round and blaming his parents because he hadn't done any real thinking about what independence means and couldn't cope on his own. I think things will continue to get worse for at least another year, as more businesses go bust or leave the UK to set up in the EU, disruption of supplies (food, clothes, hardware, car parts etc) becomes acute due to unfathomable bureaucracy, consumer costs rocket, and more households experience real hardship, due to government's lack of planning and inability to get their act together. Bring on the new indie refs in Scotland and Northern Ireland.
By Judith Carol Irwin from Beiras on 21 Jan 2021, 16:40