The homeowners have been joined by employees of the resort. Protests have been ongoing since last Friday when the government also decreed sanitary fences to two parishes in the municipality of Odemira.
Zmar resort homeowners protest against government takeover
in News, COVID-19, Algarve · 06 May 2021, 10:16 · 4 Comments
This is just a sample of what’s coming!
In Germany since merkel illegally opened the borders to illegal invaders from Africa, and Middle East, the German government has started expropriation and confiscation, and forced evictions of German citizens to create accommodation for foreign illegal bogus asylum seekers!
Welcome to the EUSSR!
So now in portugal they are moving into the same programme, it’s why just last year the portuguese gov secretly passed new law the allows without any due legal process the confiscation of any private property!
They can requisition your property, confiscate it from you,
And you cannot stop them!
They just need to claim they want your property for reasons to do with improving the environment or for contruction of 5G or wind or solar farms, or also for the accommodation of refugees!!! Or supposedly for accommodation of quarantine new arrival bogus refugees!
Do you want to still invest in portugal? Or sell up now if you can?
The communism is already here, full blown communism in your face,
Under communism, one of the top priorities is the confiscation of and outlawing of all private property real estate!
Getting nervous are you? If I was you you I be putting up the for sale signs today! And heading out of the EUSSR.
By Yeltsin from Other on 06 May 2021, 11:56
WAY blown out of much drama! Since when does anyone REALLY own their own property??? Don't pay your property taxes, you will see who already owns it.
By William from Other on 06 May 2021, 14:04
The Rule of Law prevails as this insensitive move has been reversed/overturned, so we can remain calm and hopeful that law officials will remain impartial and objective, and that the will adhere to a Rule of Law.
By Rule of Law Prevails from Other on 08 May 2021, 07:25
@Yeltsin: yes, put your for sale sign please
By Jules from Alentejo on 10 May 2021, 20:51