Arja has a long-standing connection with the Algarve, having moved here in 2000. She told me that she “spends the Winter months in the Algarve and in the Summer months she lives in Canada”. I asked Arja what she thought of the Algarve and she told me she “loves it here and would be happy to live here full time”. The Algarve has such great talent when it comes to art and this is once again emphasised through Arja’s exhibition which has brightened Lagoa’s Municipal Library and has brought joy to locals for the past month. Arja explained that “the Algarve has inspired her particularly with how great the light is and she finds it a peaceful place to work.”
“Arja started painting at the Escola de Artes in Lagoa and following classes and workshops with her friend Mariska Pisam and then started local artist Patico’s classes at the same school.” She then added “that he has his own studio where she continues his classes five times a week and has been actively painting ever since.” She told me she has stored a lot of her paintings at home as she paints every day and does cross stitching. She also told me that she enjoys creating abstract and landscape pieces in acrylics and watercolour and that she likes to incorporate an added texture to her canvases with materials like wood in some of her paintings.
Arja explained that “she does not like painting in oil as it takes too long to dry, admitting that she has no patience for it.” In terms of the way she works, she told me “That she paints spontaneously and energetically and that she has her own style”, adding that “if she is not happy with a piece, she is not afraid to start all over again if needed and that she enjoys experimenting with different colours, “I love vibrant colours and the brighter the better”. Arja’s statement is exactly what you will find at her exhibition with various landscapes, nature inspired and abstract pieces!
Vibrant Lagoa Art Exhibition: “Different Roads; The Same Destination”
In terms of what led her to create her exhibition, Arja explained that “she started attending some art classes in the Algarve with her friend and joined the Art School in Lagoa which she absolutely recommends to everyone. She added that the title of the exhibition coming from the Portuguese expression “Diferentes Caminhos; Os Mesmos Lugares” from her art teacher. Arja’s exhibition highlights the importance of having confidence in your craft, with Arja affirming that “although she was initially hesitant about doing an exhibition but she wanted to showcase what she can do in which she received encouragement from her art teacher which has led to great feedback from those who have visited the exhibition”, further affirming that “anyone can paint and to just do it!”.
As Arja’s exhibition draws to a close, I urge anyone living locally to go and see her work in all its glory as there are a remarkable 55 paintings to enjoy. Arja’s pieces have proved popular and she has already sold some of her paintings, “the fact that people like them makes her happy that she has displayed them.” Additionally, all of her paintings are for sale so if you are interested in any of her pieces to brighten your home then there is a price-list in the “catalogue” at the library which has Arja’s contacts to get in touch with her.
Following undertaking her university degree in English with American Literature in the UK, Cristina da Costa Brookes moved back to Portugal to pursue a career in Journalism, where she has worked at The Portugal News for 3 years. Cristina’s passion lies with Arts & Culture as well as sharing all important community-related news.