According to an order published in Diário da República, there are 1,001 priority parishes for the purpose of monitoring fuel management this year, one less than in 2021.
“The timely treatment of the accumulation of vegetation within the scope of the secondary network of fuel management is one of the main measures that contribute to the protection of people, animals and property against rural fires”, says the order signed by the secretary of State for Internal Administration, Patrícia Gaspar, and by the Secretary of State for Nature Conservation, Forests and Territorial Planning, João Paulo Catarino.
However, the document indicates that the definition of these priorities “does not exempt inspection agents from complying with all the provisions set out in the legislation for the management of rural dwellings, and does not limit their scope of inspection to the aforementioned areas and deadlines”.
According to the order, the inspection of fuel management in the 1,001 priority parishes is carried out between May 1 and 31 on land bordering buildings in rural areas (within a range of 50 metres) and population clusters.
For the road, rail and electricity transport and distribution lines, this will be done between June 1st and 30th.
How do you contact the relevant agency to inspect the area around your property.
By Kenneth Bell from Other on 23 Mar 2022, 12:51