In a resolution of the Council of Ministers, the executive
created “a strategic reserve of water in the reservoirs associated with the
hydroelectric plants” identified in the diploma. In addition, it determined
“the temporary suspension of the use of the water resources of the identified
reservoirs” of the resolution “from October 1, 2022, until the minimum quotas of
useful capacity may be established are reached”.
The reservoirs in question are Alto Lindoso, Alto Rabagão,
Alqueva, Castelo do Bode, Caniçada, Cabril, Paradela, Lagoa Comprida,
Salamonde, Santa Luzia, Vilar-Tabuaço, Vilarinho das Furnas, Vendas Novas,
Baixo Sabor and Gouvães .
M.Costa you don't help your people.
Start building desalinisation plants along the ocean
By Alain Rak from Other on 28 Sep 2022, 19:18
It´s easy for you to prescribe desalinisation when you´re from “Other”, Alain Rak. Desalinisation shouldn´t be on the table when other basic saving water practices were never well implemented in the 1rst place. Does desalinisation suit you so you can come here and play Golf? Because it sounds like something that that Lobby would support.
By guida from Lisbon on 29 Sep 2022, 05:19
Desalination? Who pays for that? Stop building pools, stop watering green spaces, stop growing Advocados, raise water prices for high use clients. Quite simple really.
By Ian from Porto on 29 Sep 2022, 13:56
This has been a major concern for me as moving to Porto to learn Portuguese and become a citizen. I appreciate all your posts especially Guida who contributes often and enlightens us like a firecracker but thoughtful. I'm glad Guida missed my 10 posts 2 months ago when I was clamoring for desalinization plants as the answer because Isreal has 22 and never has a drinking water problem so I know where Alain is coming from. IAN has the simple answer though (above) to just charge the people who use the most a high amount BUT wouldn't there still be a shortage i.e. Climate Disruption, shrinking reservoirs, higher temperatures. I think as uncomfortable as it may be, we may have to do both to survive the upcoming years to be prepared; climate will not reverse, we pollute so we are heading in the wrong direction. If we don't start ALL of your above solutions and start building plants now that "might" be finished in 5-7 years at least we would be prepared. The restrictions will become more Draconian in the years ahead, no water on certain days and on those days not during certain hours like the AC restrictions. I'm not involved in any lobby, just suggesting it's best for us all to be prepared. The government should be using our tax money now to green light projects and that light takes years alone just for approval; look at Lisbon Airport project and is the high speed rail going Porto/Paris or just Lisbon/Porto which you already have in 2 hrs?
By Wesley from USA on 30 Sep 2022, 03:23