That said, it is also true that almost all the ongoing
wars that are killing more than 1,000 people a month are in Africa, although
only one in six human beings lives in Africa. (The Russia invasion of
Ukraine is the only exception.) And although the biggest of Africa’s current wars
will end soon, it is not ending well.
Tigray is going under. The rebel province of Tigray, despite having only 5
million of Ethiopia’s 120 million people, has waged a three-year struggle
against Abiy Ahmed, the federal prime minister. At one time its army even
threatened to reach Addis Ababa, the country’s capital. But now the war is
ending for the Tigrayans in famine, fire and defeat.
The Tigrayans are Ethiopia’s Spartans, tough peasant farmers inured to hardship
whose discipline and strong sense of ethnic unity made them formidable
opponents in war. They led the long battle to overthrow the Derg, the brutal
Communist regime that ruled the country in 1974-91, and then dominated the
coalition that ran Ethiopia until 2018.
The Tigrayan politico-military elite did very well during those three decades,
and to a lesser extent so did ordinary Tigrayans. This created enough
resentment among other ethnic groups that Abiy Ahmed had strong support when he
ousted the Tigrayans from power four years ago. It was then just a matter of
time (two years) until the two sides fought it out.
The federal troops did badly in the early days of the war, but turned the tide
after Abiy Ahmed acquired military drones from abroad. In the end numbers,
technology and a ruthless food blockade that has reduced Tigrayans to near
starvation are overwhelming the rebels.
Abiy has also found a useful ally in Eritrea, a brutal dictatorship that
borders on Tigray and has now invaded it with Abiy’s blessing. (Abiy got the
Nobel Peace Prize in 2019 for signing a peace treaty with Eritrea.) The war
will probably end soon in an Ethiopian victory – and more massacres, of course.
There is nothing particularly ‘African’ in this pattern of conflict. There are
parallels with Japan’s history in the 16th century (‘the age of the country at
war’), France’s in the 17th century (eight civil wars about religion), or even
the United States in the 19th century (the Civil War, the ‘taming’ of the West,
and expansionist wars with Britain, Mexico and Spain.)
The wars are part of the process of state formation, in which various
religious, ethnic and linguistic groups, clans and tribes are gradually
hammered together into something resembling a shared identity. It’s often
violent and it’s never completely successful, but most African countries only
got their independence around 60 years ago so it’s still underway today.
What’s surprising is not the fact of Africa’s wars but how few of them there
are. Europe’s many states – 50 countries in a continent with only half Africa’s
population -- dwelled in the ‘cockpit of war’ for three centuries before the
borders finally settled down. Some borders still haven’t, particularly in
eastern Europe.
There is only one special thing about Africa’s wars: how little attention
everybody else pays to them. The war in Ethiopia is many times worse than that
in Ukraine – an estimated 90,000 casualties on each side in the past
month – yet it is almost entirely ignored by both Western and Asian
media. Even one mention a week would be surprising. Why?
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, head of the World Health Organisation, has a dog
in this fight. He’s Tigrayan, and he thinks it’s racism. In a recent tweet, he
speculated that the lack of global engagement with the war in Tigray could be
linked to “the colour of the skin of the people”
Tedrus asked whether “the world really gives equal attention to Black and white
lives” given that ongoing wars in Ethiopia, Yemen, Afghanistan and Syria had
garnered only a “fraction” of the concern for the war in Ukraine.
His thesis would be more convincing if most Yemenis and Afghans and almost all
Syrians were not white. They are all Muslim countries, so their wars are fought
mainly in terms of religion, but they are really about national identity and
state formation too. The rest of the world pays little attention because it
dismisses them as just more wars among Muslims.
It is a great pity that most countries seem condemned to go through such a horrible process on the way to a post-tribal future, but that is the way human beings work. It’s happening mostly in Africa and the Muslim world now only because European empires prevented them from doing it earlier.
Gwynne Dyer is an independent journalist whose articles are published in 45 countries.
Congrats to the author; looking at reality and using one´s faculties of critical thinking can emancipate you from all the narratives being shoved down our throats in most news outlets.
By guida from Lisbon on 20 Oct 2022, 05:45