According to a report by DN, salary increases, announced by
the Government and agreed within the scope of social consultation, "are
not enough" from the point of view of the Portuguese. This dissatisfaction
is widespread, from the minimum wage to the rise in wages in the Civil Service
and in the private sector. These are the conclusions of the poll carried out by
Aximage for DN, TSF and JN. Respondents also consider that the support of three
billion euros to alleviate energy costs is insufficient.
In both cases, the opinions are transversal to all age
groups (from the age of majority) and gather supporters from all parties,
including those who voted for the Socialist Party in the last legislative
Regarding the income agreement, signed between the
Government, the social partners and the private sector, most respondents (65%)
guarantee that they have already heard about the measures enshrined in the
document. However, they are not satisfied with the amounts agreed for the
phased increase in the minimum wage, which will rise to 760 euros next year and
reach 900 euros in 2026. More than half of those questioned say that the
amounts "are not enough", while 28% consider it
"sufficient" and 6% do not have an opinion.
Private sector
The nominal increase in wages in the private sector is also
seen as insufficient. The income agreement predicts, on average, a rise of 4.8%
between 2023 and 2026. For 67% of respondents, the measures falls short. Only
24% say it will be "sufficient".
The sentiment is similar with regard to the public sector
income agreement, which provides for a salary increase of between 2% and 8%.
About 65% say it is insufficient and 43% have no opinion on which entity best
defended the interests of public servants. The rest are divided: 32% are on the
side of the unions linked to UGT, which signed the agreement (53% are over 65
years old), and 25% agree with the CGTP, which rejected the document (31% are
between 50 and 64 years old).
Why would you picture the Portuguese as people making beds? This is a repulsive depiction and far from the truth as those jobs are mostly done by migrants.
By Diogo F. from Madeira on 08 Nov 2022, 11:34
Probably because it makes sense to imagine that those with the lowest wages are in the tourist industry...
By Patrick FAVRE from Other on 09 Nov 2022, 20:55