“A reduced rate is applied to them, on a transitional basis” corresponding to 40% of the tariff from January 1, 2024, 60% of the tariff from January 1, 2025 and 80% of the tariff as of January 1, 2026. As of 2027, motorhomes are subject to payment of 100% of the applicable ISV.
Contacted by Lusa, the secretary general of the Automobile Association of Portugal (ACAP) considered that “common sense prevailed” when opting for a transitional period and a progressive update of the ISV update that focuses on motorhomes.
“ACAP, when it became aware of the initial proposal (from the Government, to eliminate the reduced rate of ISV for motorhomes), immediately asked for meetings with the parliamentary groups and we had a hearing in the Budget and Finance Committee, where we called the attention of the deputies for the impossibility of entering into force this year the increase from 30% to 100% of the tax”, said Helder Barata Pedro.
As he explained, orders for this type of vehicle “are placed every six months”, so “when it was known, at the beginning of October [2022], that there was going to be a change in January, there were already orders placed for delivery, in which the price of the motorhome was calculated with the ISV that was in force”.
another tax. who’d of thought a socialist government would want more money for doing less or nothing?
By Ian from Beiras on 19 May 2023, 06:36
Creating more taxes is just what the socialists know how to do - and to misplace EU funding...
By k from Other on 19 May 2023, 12:31
Why have motorhomes had a reduction in the first place. My car pays full tax, if you can buy a motorhome you can afford the tax.
By m shaw from Algarve on 19 May 2023, 14:58
Agree with m. Shaw… why were they given this reduction in the fittest place? makes no sense. they pollute more (trash, sewage, emissions etc.), cause more damage to road surfaces due to increased weight and owners contribute less to local economies.
By Stuart Wood from Algarve on 20 May 2023, 09:04