This gave the opportunity for small production winery’s to distribute their wine throughout the Algarve. Due to this Wine Castle hosts a vast portfolio with unique wines that are all exclusive to Wine Castle distribution within the Algarve.
The Majority of the hand-picked selection of wine producers has been dedicated to national flavors and production however, in recent years there has been a few international references added to the portfolio, France, Argentina, and Germany.
Portugal and its archipelagos hold a variety of excellent factor for producing quality wine, due to its many different terrains it provides a plethora of diversity within its regions, creating over 304 different kinds of grapes. Dão and Douro are within some of the favorites out of the 14 wine-making regions. However, wines with the same casts from the same year can taste very different depending on how the grape has been grown, to the journey it undertakes until finally being bottled. The Portuguese winemakers excel themselves when it comes to creating individual production processes.
One has the idea of placing the wine underneath the sea after it has been bottled, another chooses to label and cork their wine by hand. The objective between all of these wine makers seems to be the same. To use the least amount of chemicals in their wine and on their grapes to not alter the natural flavors. Although this is not always possible due to Mother Nature it is always kept in mind.
Today, Wine Castle is currently distributing all across the Algarve and you will find them in fine dining environments to your favorite restaurants in your local town. They have a wineshop situated in Mexelhoeira de Carrgação where their distribution is based. Here you can choose something for yourself and have it delivered to your front door.
The Wine Castle Shop has hosted sommelier courses such as W7 and hosts every month a winetasting experience, where one winemaker from their portfolio visits and presents their wine to a small group. This intimate experience is a wonderful way to meet other wine connoisseurs and taste new and upcoming wines from your favorite producer.

On the 9th of December Wine Castle will be opening their doors to the general public in Mexilhoeira de Carregação and holding their 4th annual Christmas wine fair. Here each person will have the opportunity to create their own wine-tasting experience, not only can you meet the wine makers personally and hear their journey of what it entails to make each of their wines and how they reached the flavor that each bottle provides but there will be entertainment, children’s entertainer and food also available.
Contacts: 282 425 202 / +351 961 386 661 /