There are few pleasures in life that top basking in the sunshine with a cold beer at a festival, but doctors have urged festival-goers to drink plenty of water over the five-day event.
“Being outdoors in the heat can be physically demanding, especially if you’re on your feet, dancing,” says Nick Higginson, CEO of Phoenix Health & Safety. “If you combine this with drinking alcohol, it can easily lead to exhaustion.”
To prevent this from disrupting your boogie, Higginson recommends packing a large reusable bottle which you can refill between sets.
Athlete’s foot
Busy festivals are breeding grounds for bacteria, but Dr Adam Staten, clinical director at One Day Tests and NHS GP, advises campers to keep their feet as clean as possible.
“Athlete’s foot is caused by a fungal infection which thrives in moist conditions,” explains Staten. You can avoid athlete’s foot by keeping your feet clean and dry and allowing air to get to them when possible.

Food poisoning
The choice of street food stalls at festivals is always bountiful, but visitors should be wary of any food that’s been left out in the sun for too long.
“Food poisoning is caused by eating food that is contaminated with viruses or bacteria,” says Staten. “Any cooked food you eat should be piping hot when served and you should avoid eating food that has been left to stand out.”
A quick peek over the till to assess a vendor’s cleanliness could also save you from spending most of the festival in a portaloo, adds Staten.
“Bacteria grows quicker when the weather is warm, so if the sun is out, take extra care around riskier foods such as seafood and chicken,” notes Cheryl Lythgoe, nurse and matron at Benenden Health. “Vomiting and/or diarrhoea can lead to dangerous dehydration surprisingly quickly, so stay alert to this possibility.”
Thousands of attendees are excited to see amazing performances, however, the thumping bass during these sets could lead to tinnitus.
The NHS defines tinnitus as hearing sounds that come from inside your body, rather than an outside source.
“Prolonged exposure to loud music can permanently damage the delicate structures of the inner ear, and cause hearing loss and tinnitus,” explains Hannah Samuels, an audiologist at Boots Hearingcare.
She suggests using hearing protection – ear plugs of muffs – “as these lower the level of sound, but still enable you to hear everything – and it can often sound better, too”.
Insect bites
Itchy insect bites are not something campers want to be dealing with.
“Insects tend to aim for parts of the body where blood vessels are closest to the surface, so they often bite around the wrist and ankles,” explains Dr Staten. “Keeping these areas covered is a good way to avoid bites, but might not be practical on a hot day – in which case, your best option is to regularly apply insect repellent, or wear a sunscreen that contains repellent.”
Sprained ankles
Sandals might be tempting, but protecting your ankles is more sensible, notes Higginson: “While it’s fun to put on colourful outfits, wearing unsupportive shoes like sandals can easily lead to sprained ankles, which could result in the rest of your weekend being a lot less enjoyable,” he says.
“Make sure you’re wearing comfortable clothing that allows for easy movement, along with closed-toe shoes with good traction and support, that can help prevent slips, trips, and falls on uneven ground.”
Festival goers are urged to stay alert and hydrated in case sunburn snowballs into heat exhaustion – or the much more serious heatstroke.
Dizziness, headaches, feeling sick and excessive sweating, are all signs of heat exhaustion, according to the NHS. However, if these symptoms do not subside after 30 minutes, it could be heatstroke.
“If you are experiencing heat exhaustion for an extended period of time, it can lead to heatstroke, which can be extremely dangerous,” says Dr Ross Perry, GP and medical director of Cosmedics skin clinics. “If you think you might have heat exhaustion or heatstroke, you need to speak to a GP immediately.”
Anyone needing medical help while at a festival should head to one of the medical tents available across the site.