These cultural touchstones celebrated young urban professionals driven by wealth and status. But have you ever wondered if this relentless pursuit of materialism comes at a cost? Dr Suniya S. Luthar from Columbia University certainly thinks so. In her thesis, The Culture of Affluence, she argues that the very things meant to bring us happiness - money, status, consumer goods - are driving an epidemic of depression, anxiety, and even suicide, especially among the affluent.

The Rise and Fall of Yuppie Culture

The 1980s were a decade of excess. Yuppies were at the centre of it all, fervently chasing high-end consumer goods and luxuries as badges of their success. They lived by Gordon Gekko’s credo: "Greed is good." Their lives were dominated by career ambitions and the accumulation of status symbols, often neglecting personal well-being and balance. It was a culture of materialism and consumerism, where success was measured by what you owned, not who you were.

From Yuppie to Entrepreneur

Following the yuppie era, the world witnessed a significant shift towards entrepreneurship. Despite the inherent risks, start-ups blossomed, driven by enthusiastic visionaries uncovering unique market gaps and crafting innovative solutions. This period was characterised by extreme commitment, perseverance, and an all-or-nothing approach, often leading to burnout. However, change was brewing even before COVID-19; the pandemic merely accelerated a widespread period of reflection and introspection. This prompted many to pursue a more balanced lifestyle, placing personal well-being at the forefront and allowing business to play a supportive role.

A New Paradigm of Freedompreneurship

Fast forward to today, and we are witnessing the rise of the "freedompreneur." Unlike their predecessors, freedompreneurs prioritise personal fulfilment, work-life balance, and the freedom to live life on their own terms. They reject the traditional 9-to-5 corporate grind in favour of flexibility, remote work, and location independence.

Imagine this: working from a beach in Bali or a café in Lisbon, all while making a meaningful impact. Sounds like a dream, right? This is the reality for many freedompreneurs today.

As a co-founder of the biggest and fastest-growing network of professional women in the Algarve, I am witnessing daily how people pivot their careers, often changing their industries and starting new businesses completely from scratch to accommodate this new way of freedompreneurship. They dig deep into their IKIGAI—the convergence of what they love, what the world needs, what they are good at, and what they can get paid for—and pivot boldly to live on their own terms.

Troubling Trends in Wealthy Nations

Despite unprecedented prosperity in developed nations, we are experiencing record levels of depression, anxiety, and "deaths of despair." Wealth and upward mobility haven't brought us the happiness promised, and the data is stark:

  • Depression rates are 25 percent higher in more economically developed countries compared to less developed ones.
  • Americans today are twice as wealthy but no happier than in the 1950s—divorce rates have doubled, teenage suicides have tripled, and depression rates have soared.

Credits: Supplied Image; Author: Client;

Why Freedompreneurship is the Future

Freedompreneurship offers a refreshing alternative to the burnout culture of traditional entrepreneurship. Here's why it’s gaining ground:

  • Fulfilment Over Profit: Freedompreneurs balance business success with personal well-being, creating ventures that allow them to live meaningfully.
  • Flexibility and Independence: They ditch rigid schedules, embrace remote work, and value location independence.
  • Lower Self-Interest: With a stronger social conscience, freedompreneurs aim to create a positive societal impact, beyond just stacking up wealth.
  • Innovation and Creativity: These modern entrepreneurs are willing to take bold risks to solve meaningful problems, focusing on social and personal goals as much as profit.
  • Sustainable Growth: They prioritise long-term stability and meaningful change over quick gains and rapid expansion.

Freedompreneurs are mastering the art of blending work with travel, proving that professional success and personal fulfilment don’t have to be mutually exclusive. They blend professional success with personal fulfilment, flexibility, and social impact—creating a more balanced and meaningful way to work and live.

Now, ask yourself: Is your current way of working truly serving you? Are you fulfilled, or merely existing within the confines of a system that values profit over people? It’s time to redefine success on your terms. Embrace the freedompreneur lifestyle and take the first step towards a life that’s not only successful but deeply satisfying.

The power to reshape your future is in your hands - embrace it with courage.


Kamila is a dedicated advocate for entrepreneurial community development and women’s empowerment. She helps women build remote-first businesses that align with their passions and support a lifestyle of freedom, inspiring them to seize opportunities and create their dream lives.

Community Lead Portugal | Multi-Award-Winning Entrepreneur | Bestselling Author | Founder of | Co-Founder of Algarve Women’s Network

Kamila Laura Sitwell