Arriving appropriately at the start of Advent, Revd Carla is coming home – she is Portuguese, returning to the country of her birth with her husband Nick, after many years of ministry in the Church of England. She will serve St Vincent’s Anglican Chaplaincy in the central and eastern Algarve, with congregations at Boliqueime and St Luke’s Palhagueira. After three years without a permanent priest in the post, Christmastide rejoicing has an extra sparkle for the chaplaincy this year.
The day before, Revd Carla attended Christmas lunch at the Centro Comunitário de Vale Silves near Boliqueime. Each year members of the Anglican congregation donate and present Christmas gifts to clients of the Centre and their carers at this festive celebration, which features entertainment as well as good food for the elderly people of the neighbourhood.

The Chaplaincy welcomes everyone to share the joy of Christ’s birth. On Christmas Eve there will be Carols and Communion at 6.00pm at the Igreja da Misericórdia, Boliqueime (followed by mince pies and mulled wine) and on Christmas Day, Holy Communion at 10.30am at St Luke’s Church, Palhagueira. Also services at Praia da Luz, details at
Text: Alison West
Photos: Nicky Hamilton/David Sweetman