More than 600 people gathered at the Amphitheatre behind the Carvoeiro Chapel “Nossa Senhora de Encarnação” for an hour of community singing interspersed with guest appearances.
This is always a family-friendly fundraiser for the Lagoa CARITAS Food-bank and the Portimão Girls’ home Casa de Nossa Senhora de Conceição (CNSC). A group of girls and staff entertained us with “Noite Feliz” and ”Neste Noite Branco”.
This year we raised the unbelievable sum of €2,400 euros in an intense 90 minutes - partly through the Red Bucket Ladies and partly from the refreshments tent. Proceeds have been shared equally between the two charities.

The singing was led by a multilingual team in five languages: English, Portuguese, French, German and Dutch. Something for everyone!
We also had The Algarveans Theatre choir performing “Do You Hear What I Hear?” And the inimitable Tim Stevens led the crowd in “The Twelve Days of Christmas”. An unforgettable explosion of general hilarity as each group battled to outshine the others! The “Three French Hens” were definitely the front runners, only outdone by the children at the centre singing “Five Golden Rings”.
Supporting us all was Anne Stevens on the keyboard, keeping us in tune and on track, pausing for the jokes and picking it up again seamlessly! We are very grateful for her generous contribution of talent and time!

Our appreciation is especially for all of YOU who participated with such gusto! You came, you sang, you laughed, you gave generously! Huge blessings to you in the New Year! And see you next year - with a cushion!
by Madeleine Wheare