On its official website, the municipality, led by independent Rui Moreira, said it had activated the yellow level of the Contingency Plan for Homeless People, the second of four levels, due to the forecast of temperatures below 3ºC during the next 48 hours.
In addition to the subway stations, the Joaquim Urbano Emergency Reception Center (CAE) will also be open with 30 beds available and transportation if necessary.
“The municipality will ensure that all people welcomed at the CAE are identified in order to provide social support and carry out any necessary referrals,” he highlighted.
On the ground, the city council will coordinate the intervention with the Homeless Planning and Intervention Center (NPISA), being present at metro stations to distribute blankets, hot drinks and a meal.
This action has the support of the Municipal Civil Protection Service, the Municipal Police and the Firefighters Regiment also in terms of providing resources and vehicles and, in the case of the Firefighters, in providing first aid.
“The municipality of Porto will remain attentive to the information shared by the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) regarding changes in weather forecasts, adapting, if necessary, the level of the Contingency Plan for People in Situations of Homeless”, he stressed.