As part of the 2025 National Inspection Plan (PNF), this is the third of 11 awareness-raising and inspection campaigns planned for this year, to be carried out monthly, according to a joint statement from ANSR, Public Security Police (PSP) and National Republican Guard (GNR).

As in 2024, in the 2025 PNF, the themes of the awareness and inspection campaigns are: speed, alcohol, safety accessories, mobile phones and two-wheeled motor vehicles.

As part of the campaign, ANSR will carry out awareness-raising actions throughout the country, while inspection operations, “with a special focus on roads and access points with high traffic flow”, which will be carried out by the PSP and GNR.

In the note, the authorities recall that speeding is one of the main causes of accidents on the roads and is responsible for more than 60% of registered infractions.

The ANSR, the GNR and the PSP remind the public that the probability of fatalities increases depending on the speed at which vehicles are travelling", the note states.