Joana Pinto, author of the book “O poder de cura dos cristais” believes that we have a natural attraction for everything that comes from mother earth, such as rivers, trees and minerals. “We can spend hours looking at a landscape and, for instance, when we find crystals we also notice their amazing colours,” she said.
Since 2010, Joana Pinto has decided to embark on a new journey towards crystal healing, that is, the use of crystals as therapeutic tools. All in all, the path was not always easy. “I was studying veterinary medicine when I decided to leave everything behind to dedicate myself 100 percent to crystal healing, which was not an easy choice because my parents are doctors, my sister is a nutritional nurse and Joana, the eldest daughter, became the black sheep of the family that went to study ‘those things’”.
However, this does not get her down. Even though all the criticism, Joana has always felt at home while working with crystal healing and over the past few years, thanks to her scientific background, she began to draw parallels between science and crystal healing.
According to Joana: “Everything is vibration and energy, not only crystals, but also the organs of our body. Actually, the human body has already been studied by researchers that found out that organs have got Hz vibration and analysing the frequency of our organs (stomach, liver, etc) is like taking a blood test, there is an average vibration frequency where each organ must be in between”.
Furthermore, when working with crystal healing, “I need to understand the vibration of the minerals as well as the vibration of the organs. In this way, I’ll know where the crystal can work better in order to harmonise a certain organ”, she said.
For instance, “if I have a problem with my liver, I can apply a mineral in a certain way to harmonise it", that’s what she explains step by step in her latest book, which can be used like a manual for all people, including beginners, to find out how to use crystals in their daily lives to get the desired results.
As Joana explained, crystal healing can help with every single condition. “It is possible to apply these minerals in any situation, either mental or physical health disorders. Let's not forget that the crystals have chemicals, zinc, magnesium, potassium, among others, so I just apply these minerals. Usually I give the following example: Who has never used magnesium to treat muscle cramps? That’s quite the same in crystal healing”.
Crystal Healing and Craft Store
However, not all crystals we buy at a fair are real crystals. Joana told me that she has already seen fake crystals that were just synthetic ornaments. That’s why she decided to set up a new store in Porto in order to provide real and fair-trade crystals.
Fair trade is also important to her because “if I'm working with crystals that I'm going to apply in a specific organ, I'm also working with their energy and atoms. If it came from a place of pain where child labour still exists, the crystal will absorb the pain of those children and it will be passed on to us. In fact, if I want healing tools, I need to have the right ones.”
Portuguese Crystal Healing Association
Joana Pinto is the founder and head of the Portuguese Crystal Healing Association that is accredited by American Council of Holistic Healers and World Metaphysical Association.
“I thought that Portugal needed an institution that would support crystal healing. Above all, it is important to qualify professionals who work with crystal healing. In every job there are terrible workers, who discredit their profession, but it is even easier to discredit a sector that is not yet regulated”, she highlighted.
On its website, you will find several workshops and courses of half a year to qualify as a holistic therapist and learn how crystals can work well; otherwise they are “nothing more than decorative”. In addition, you can find a listing of certified therapists on the webpage.
Paula Martins is a fully qualified journalist, who finds writing a means of self-expression. She studied Journalism and Communication at University of Coimbra and recently Law in the Algarve. Press card: 8252