According to CNN and Jornal de Notícias, the MP decided to
“open an investigation”, as well as “carry out an autopsy” on the body of the
34-year-old woman, who was 31 weeks pregnant and died after having suffered a
cardiorespiratory arrest during the ambulance transfer from Hospital de Santa
Maria to San Francisco Xavier.
In addition to the MP, the General Inspection of Health
Activities (IGAS) also announced that it will analyse the case. In a statement
sent to the newsrooms, they indicate that “it was determined to initiate an inspection
of the transfer of a pregnant patient from the Hospital de Santa Maria,
integrated in the Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte, E.P.E., to the
Hospital de São Francisco Xavier, integrated in the Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa
Ocidental, E.P.E., for an alleged inexistence of a vacancy in the Neonatology
Service of the first hospital unit to admit the baby when the delivery was
With this inspection, the IGAS aims to understand the
“reason why the patient was transferred”, “who were responsible for the
transfer decision and under what clinical assumptions they ensured that the
patient could be transferred safely, what was the situation of the Neonatology
Service of the Hospital de Santa Maria on the date of transfer of the patient, in
what circumstances the death occurred" and if "there were alternative
and safer solutions to the transfer of the patient".
let's be honest for a change - where else in the EU do residents need to go to the private sector for health care? Especially in this so called "socialist" country where health care is only affordable for the wealthy who go to the private sector? time for less glorious marketing and more grounded truths about life in Portugal?
By S from Other on 31 Aug 2022, 10:43