In an article published in its 'Boletim Económico', several
economists at the institution explain that in the first quarter of 2022 there
was an increase in interest rates on housing loans of 63 basis points, which
represents the largest half-year increase ever recorded.
They add that this rise will have effects both on house
prices and on real estate investment. According to a linear projection prepared
by ECB technicians, an increase of one percentage point in mortgage rates
causes a 5% drop in house prices after two years, as well as an 8% drop in real
estate investment.
But if a non-linear projection is considered, to account for
greater price sensitivity due to the low interest rate environment, the impact
of this one percentage point increase doubles. Based on this house prices could
fall by 9% over a two-year period, while investment would fall by 15%.
doom and gloom. yet in other countries, where falls of 20% or more have been predicted, little has happened and houses on sale have reduced in number.
By Ian from Other on 21 Sep 2022, 19:42
Surprised the drop considered is so small given how low rates have been in the EU. With rates going up and the over priced market in many countries particularly Portugal Seems 10% is nothing. US is already down 20% off the highs in many markets.
By PT2022 from Lisbon on 22 Sep 2022, 13:31