According to the feasibility analysis of the Alta Velocidade operation carried out by the consultancy KPMG, the operation will generate around 6.2 billion euros over the 30 years of the concession, based on the scenarios presented by IP: 52 daily services, 8 million passengers per year and an occupancy rate of 80%.
The consultant states that the biggest cost of the operation, around 40%, will be the payment of the railway infrastructure usage fee (TUI), which IP defined as 10 euros per train per kilometer of high speed when it is currently around 2 euros. An amount that will allow the public company to pay 15% of the investment cost of the new line.
"The railway operator [CP] plans to launch the tender this year for the acquisition of rolling stock for the future line that will connect Lisbon and Porto."
Or, alternatively, the money could be put towards a new hospital in Algarve, finishing the improvements, promised for years, to the EN125, or the myriad of other infrastructure projects, such as water supply, so vital for the survival of Algarve.
By Clive Stott from Algarve on 17 Apr 2024, 17:17
These railway projects are - I assume - very much pushed by the EU countries that are big in the business of high speed train travel.
By Tom from Lisbon on 07 Jun 2024, 15:50