This is one of the conclusions of the research by the Portuguese Industrial Association – Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AIP-CCI), shared by ECO.

In the wage and economic growth agreement signed in October at the Social Concertation by the Government, the four business confederations and the UGT, it is foreseen that the national minimum wage will increase by 50 euros in each year of the current legislature, reaching 1,020 euros in 2028.

Now, faced with this trajectory, more than half of companies consider that “it is bearable”, according to the new survey released this Monday. “Regarding the value of 1020 euros per month projected until the end of the current legislature, 56% understand that it is bearable by the companies’ operating account, even though 95% of companies consider themselves unaware of any study that substantiates the bearability of their sector of activity”, says the note sent to the newsrooms.

Incidentally, around 65% of the companies interviewed consider that the annual setting of the minimum wage should depend on the evolution of productivity.

On the other hand, it should be noted that the vast majority of companies (83%) agree with the existence of the national minimum wage, but 65% understand that it should not be used as an instrument for the redistribution of wealth.

In contrast, among companies that consider that the national minimum wage should be an instrument for this purpose, 45% consider that it should be society that supports it, through negative taxes on the lowest incomes, while 55% of these companies argue that it should be supported by the companies' operating costs.