Speaking to reporters during a guided tour, Avery Singer said that as an artist she is “very interested in using digital tools as well as manual techniques.”

“Over the past few years, I have been interested in combining different ways of applying paint using airbrushing. And I was also interested in seeing the relationship between that and different generations of digital images,” he said.

The exhibition “run_it_back.exeˇ”, which combines art, architecture and technology, is the result of “research she has been doing on the digital economy, especially on cryptocurrency and its relationship with the traditional market”.

“This exhibition began to be prepared over a year ago,” said Serralves curator Inês Grosso, recalling that “most of Avery’s works are rooted in the digital universe and, from there, they undergo various image composition processes, always also in the digital universe.”

According to Inês Grosso, she is “a young artist who has, in a certain way, been expanding what we understand as a pictorial practice and trying new forms, including new technologies and new techniques, some technological in painting, while others remain traditional, but she was an artist who gained some international recognition, precisely also for the boldness of combining such opposite and distinct means”.

“run_it_back.exeˇ” is the artist’s first solo exhibition in Portugal and is the result of more than a year of joint work with Serralves and DepA architects, from Porto.

“It was designed specifically for the Serralves Museum, whose atrium and central hall are occupied and completely transformed by the exhibition, which is also an architectural intervention,” he said.

The artist's works have been the subject of strong demand on the market over the last few years.

Her work is already part of the collections of institutions such as the Tate Modern in London, the Yuz Museum in Shanghai, the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the Whitney Museum of American Art, among others.

The exhibition is organised by the Serralves Foundation – Museum of Contemporary Art, curated by Inês Grosso, chief curator of the Serralves Museum, and coordinated by curator Filipa Loureiro, with architectural design by DepA architects, Porto.

The exhibition will be on display until September 7th.