Renovation and new construction continued to gain momentum, with an overall increase of 8.1% in licenses issued. This growth is highlighted in the most recent AICCOPN Housing Statistical Summary, according to idealista.

The report also indicates that financial institutions granted a total of 17.792 million euros in new housing loans, representing an increase of 37% compared to 2024. This growth reflects the resilience of the real estate market, despite fluctuations in interest rates and the challenging economic context.

Another relevant indicator is the reduction in the interest rate on housing loans, which in December 2024 stood at 4.09%, 50 points less than in the same month of the previous year.

Furthermore, house prices continue to appreciate, with a 13.7% increase in bank valuations of properties. The apartment segment registered an appreciation of 15.2%, while houses grew by 9.3%, confirming the trend of appreciation of real estate assets in Portugal.

The highlight of the AICCPON bulletin is the Central region, which registered significant growth in the construction of new homes, with 7,223 licensed homes, an increase of 18% compared to 2023. The value of bank appraisals on housing in this region also followed the national trend, with a year-on-year increase of 11%.