According to the organization, in a statement, the 2nd edition of Queer Fest will take place between the 8 and 11 of September at Casa Independente, in Lisbon, and at the União Paredense Musical Society (SMUP), in Parede, in the municipality of Cascais. “Still mirroring the effects of the pandemic, the music, performance, literature, visual arts and 'queer' debates will take place and the festival reaffirms it’s purpose of bringing together these artists and the LGBTQIA+ community [Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual/Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual and all the various possibilities of sexual orientation and gender identifications that exist] in several days of celebration and their struggle”, reads the statement.
Queer Fest kicks off on 8 September, at Casa Independente, with the debate “Queer Q? 1: The significance”, moderated by Maribel Sobreira and with the participation of Andreia Coutinho, Kali and João Caçador. The day continues with readings by André Tecedeiro, Cláudia Jardim, João Vilhena, Raquel Smith-Cave, Madalena Ávila, Joana Neves and Rita Natálio. The first day will end with a concert by Stravaganza Colorata, a project by Maria do Mar (violet) and David Campelo (bezel flutes), who “propose to make ancient music queer and its concerting formalisms through staged, performative use and recoded from Baroque and Renaissance imagery”.
The 9 September program, also at Casa Independente, also begins with a debate, “Queer Q? 2: The struggle”, with moderation by Rui Eduardo Paes and with the participation of Joana Neves, a representative of the LGBTI Education Project and Carmo G. Pereira. Two performances are also scheduled for that day, by the 'performer' and actress Rafaela Jacinto and by the choreographer, ballet dancer and performer Gaya de Medeiros, who performs at ‘drag queen' shows under the name Babaya and two concerts by Carincur and Érika Machado .
For the third day of Queer Fest, taking place on the 10 September at Casa Independente, only concerts are scheduled. On that day, Frik.são, a lake by the mõõn, Neverknew, bbb hairdryer, Maria João Fura and Dakoi perform. On 11 September, Queer Fest moves to SMUP, where there will be a 'queer' art exhibition, curated by Vítor Serrano and the theme “Queer q?”. “The participating artists were asked for a free and individual approach that defines us as a movement and as 'queer' people in an act of claiming our own bodies. The aim is for all the works on display to be made available for sale, under a 'benefit' register, with the proceeds going to the next editions of the festival”, says the organisation. The day continues with performances and readings by Rezgate (Rezmorah & Gadutra), Mário Afonso and Teresa Coutinho, and ends with concerts by Gael de Papel, Mara Nunes, Maria Bruxxxa, Sofia Queiroz Orê-Ibir, As Docinhas and a DJ 'set ' by the festival team.
The festival, according to the organization when it announced the 1st edition, was created with the purpose of bringing together "creative projects that affirm the right to existence and freedom of their authors with regard to sexual orientation and gender identity" in a same event, “that can project these voices and make a difference in the process of normalisation/homogenisation in an increasingly negative and oppressive society”.
The organization recalled that these projects have multiplied in Portugal at a time when “the return of fascism is declared through an escalation, in words and deeds, of xenophobia, machismo and homophobia”. In times like these, the organisation emphasises, “music and other performing arts cannot do anything but claim for themselves the intervention and protest dimension they had in the past”. “The perspective is intersectional, because the struggle of the 'queer' movement is also the struggle of women, the struggle against racism, the struggle for better housing and working conditions, the struggle for the environment”, defends the organisation.
Queer Fest, with the artistic direction of Rui Eduardo Paes and Maria do Mar, is a co-production of Cultura no Muro, Casa Independente and SMUP.