The action plan, approved by resolution on Thursday at a Council of Ministers meeting, "covers all water bodies in mainland Portugal where the species is present" and applies annually from January 1st to December 31st, " without closed periods", according to topics sent to Lusa by the Ministry of Environment and Climate Action.
The document, which will come into force the day after its publication in the Diário da República, stipulates the capture of the species as a "method of control and containment" of its population, as well as the identification of "sensitive areas for some species of plants or animals autochthonous species where it will be necessary to reduce the abundance of this species of crustacean.
According to the plan, which aims to "comply with Community and national legislation in this matter", the population of the Red-Luisian crayfish must be kept "at control levels that minimize the damage caused by it, but still allow its positive effects as an important prey in the diet of native fauna".
As it is not possible to eradicate the red crayfish, the Government decided to proceed with a control plan, which extends to other invasive alien species of crustaceans, "present in continental water bodies", such as the crayfish and the Chinese hairy crab.
Native to northeastern Mexico and the central and southern United States, the Red Crayfish are an invasive species in European territory, having been introduced as fishing bait, for aquaculture or consumption, according to information published on the website. Ciência Viva - National Agency for Scientific and Technological Culture.
In Portugal, the species appeared in 1979, from Spain, and is spread over at least 11 hydrographic basins: rivers Douro, Leça, Vouga, Mondego, Lis, Tagus, Sado and Mira and rivers of the West, Algarve and Guadiana .
The Red-Luis Crawfish, which can reach 15 centimeters in length, eat plants, detritus, molluscs, insects, worms, larvae and tadpoles and serve as food for otters and white storks. It is "a great digger", which can cause "damage to river beds, earth dikes and dams, and crops, particularly rice".
Originating in East Asia, the Chinese hairy crab, "very appreciated gastronomically", will have arrived in Portugal in the ballast of a ship, distributed over the Tagus and Minho hydrographic basins, describes Ciência Viva.
The crayfish are mentioned by the National Museum of Natural History and Science as the species of crayfish, along with the red-legged crayfish, which contributed in part to the disappearance of the native white-footed crayfish. from Portugal.
The government should post maps of where the crayfish are so we can go and fish for them! They are delicious!!
By matthew from Other on 10 Sep 2021, 11:50
The best way to control an evasive species is to put it on the menu.
By Joseph from USA on 10 Sep 2021, 15:13
Overfishing was an important reason why the native white-footed crayfish is almost extinct in Portugal. As for the red crayfish was very likely introduced from North America. Anyway, crayfish is very tasting but not common in our supermarkets, except if you live in Louisiana!
By Tony Fernandes from Other on 10 Sep 2021, 16:51
When life gives you crawfish, make crawfish etouffee. When life gives you crab balls….well, I’m sorry.
By Cvntsmasher from Algarve on 11 Sep 2021, 08:05
Like most people here the best solution is to eat them, lots of them they're delicious
By robert alaistair muir from Algarve on 11 Sep 2021, 10:48
Your control should be to catch them live and introduce them to the market. As other have written you, they are delicious and I would certainly buy them if I saw them. Co-ordinate with the fish industry and turn your problem into profit. Please. You are getting more and more Americans living here so you already have a potential market. The whole happy solution is marketing. Together with all the fish restaurants in Portugal, create Crawfish month. Maybe at first you have to sell them very cheap or give them free to restaurants. There are many recipes. I would love to work with you.
By Amanda Bosca from Porto on 17 Oct 2021, 18:04
Tell the Chinese they're an aphrodisiac ,,!,,,,,,,,,, they will be wiped out in 6 months
By John from Alentejo on 03 Sep 2022, 15:00
I am at the east side of Villa lake and this morning saw a red crayfish. Only one. So I thought I’d let you know and see whether this is a relatively new invasive species here… I read about this man made lake and that the red crayfish is invasive to europe since around 1979. Wondered as we were travelling and decided to spot at this lake to camp. Thanks.
By Tanya Conley from Other on 31 Jul 2024, 07:51
I would like to fish for these is there a map where they have been found?
By Leon from Other on 07 Nov 2024, 16:57