Speaking to journalists at the Assembly of the Republic after a meeting with the Minister of Infrastructure, Miguel Pinto Luz, and the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Pedro Duarte, the socialist parliamentary leader, Alexandra Leitão, explained that the measures aimed at Local Accommodation announced by Miguel Pinto Luz last Friday, the 10th, are “very worrying”.

“We are afraid that the revocation of these measures, the facilitation of transferability of the Local Accommodation registration, and the end of the contribution, will have an immediate effect on removing houses from the market for housing in certain areas of the country, such as Lisbon and Porto”.

The socialists also clarified that they do not agree with the planned “flexibility of rent”, as they consider that “the protection of tenants is absolutely essential”.

Despite the disagreements, Alexandra Leitão highlighted her party's openness to negotiating with the Government the new package of measures for housing, particularly in terms of simplification and improvement of support.