I don’t intent to start a discussion; simply to lay out the differences. I want you to be able to recognize one or the other sort of Portuguese when out and about. I’m sure it will come in handy!
Comparing is “so school”, but at The Language Unschool we like to play games too.
You have 5 seconds per section to spot the differences on: sentence structure; verb choice; vocabulary; pronunciation (yes, even that!). Ready? Go!
(He told you “I’m
Ele disse-te “estou a
ler”? /el dees-t shtou a ler?/
Ele te falou “estou
lendo”? /elee tchee falou eestou ldu?/
(to have breakfast)
Tomar o pequeno-almoço
/tumar u pken-almos/
Tomar o café da manhã
/tomah u kafeh da manhã/
(Do you know where I went yesterday?)
Sabes onde é que eu
fui ontem? /sahbsh õdehk ew fuee õt?/
Sabe onde eu fui
ontem? /sahbee õdgee ew fuee õt/
(Let’s meet at the usual place)
Bora àquele sítio do
costume? /bohra ahkel sitiw du kushtum?/
Vamo naquele lugar de
sempre? /vamu nahkelee lugah dgee spree?/
(I’m on my way to France)
Estou a caminho de
França. /shtou a kaminh d frãsa./
Estou à caminho da
França. /eestou ah kahminhu dah frãsa.
(He went to war)
Ele partiu para a
guerra. /el partiw pah gehrra./
Ele foi para a guerra.
/elee foi prah gehrra./
How did it go?
If you have enjoyed this quick
lesson and would like to learn more Portuguese outside of the box, then please
contact Catarina from The Language Unschool - catarina@thelanguageunschool.com
I imagine that for a person who doesn´t have a Latin based 1rst language, in general Brazilian Portuguese might be easier to understand because of accent and melodic tones. Portugal Portuguese teachers used to abhor Brazilian Pt. But then the new Portuguese Orthographic Agreement was established and lots of things became common in both; I think it made them more similar in the writing form. That said, some things sound incorrect in Brazilian Pt. Eg I find extremely confusing: Brazilian people using the word “Abusado”. If you look at it, it means “the abused one”, yet Brazilians frequently use this to describe…an abuser. So I think things can get tricky that way, lol
By guida from Lisbon on 17 Sep 2022, 06:12