The measures are in the final text of the Health Committee, relating to a bill presented by the BE bench, and which was approved with votes in favor of all benches, with the exception of the Liberal Initiative, which abstained.

The law provides that, in order to ensure the right of people with endometriosis to a timely diagnosis, as well as access to complementary diagnostic and therapeutic methods and consultations, the Health Department must draw up, within 90 days, the standards and technical guidelines to be implemented in all health units.

The diploma also determines the creation of a reimbursement regime for medicines intended for the treatment and relief of symptoms prescribed in the National Health Service (SNS) by a specialist doctor.

It is also ensured that female workers and students who suffer from severe and disabling pain caused by endometriosis during their menstrual period have the right to be absent from work or classes with justification, without loss of any rights, for up to three consecutive days per month.

A study published in 2023 estimated that more than 40% of women with endometriosis in Portugal take more than ten years to be diagnosed due to the undervaluation of symptoms, which prevents the disease from being controlled in a timely manner.

The data is the result of a survey carried out in 2022 by the Brazilian Society of Gynecology, which indicates that there are around 350,000 women with the pathology in the country, one in 10 of childbearing age, the majority between 30 and 35 years old.

Disabling pain is the main manifestation of symptoms, but it can also be the appearance of pelvic masses or difficulty in getting pregnant.